Monday, March 26, 2012

How To Create a Restore Point for Windows 7 or Vista’s System Restore

Create a Restore Point for Windows 7 or Vista’s System Restore

If you are thinking of installing an application but aren’t quite sure what it’s going to do to your computer, I would absolutely recommend creating a restore point before you install that application, and here are the steps to do so. Note that most application installs automatically create a restore point, but you can do this if you are really worried.
Open up the Start Menu and right-click on “Computer”, and then select “Properties”.


This will take you into the System area of Control Panel. Click on the “System Protection” link on the left hand side.
Now select the “System Protection” tab to get to the System Restore section.

Click the “Create” button to create a new restore point. You’ll be prompted for a name, and you might want to give it a useful name that you’ll be able to easily identify later.
Click the Create button, and then the system will create the restore point.
When it’s all finished, you’ll get a message saying it’s completed successfully.
Now if your application blows up Windows, you can restore your computer using System Restore.

How To Disable System Restore in Windows 7 or Vista

How To Disable System Restore in Windows 7 or Vista

The Windows 7 / Vista System Restore feature will make sure that software installations, drivers, and other updates can be rolled back. The only price to this feature is some disk usage. If you want to disable System restore, which is a bad idea, it’s really pretty simple.

Just to make sure you understand… There are bugs. Things will crash. Disabling System Restore will keep you from rolling back changes.
So, you’ve read this far. Now let’s disable it. Right-click on the Computer icon, and choose Properties:

Click on the System Protection link on the left-hand side:
Once you’ve done so, the steps are different depending on your OS.

Disable on Windows 7 

Click the Configure button below the list of drives:
Now simply click the radio button to disable System Protection. (Note again that this is probably a bad idea).

That should be all you need to do.

 Disable on Windows Vista 

Once you’ve clicked the System Protection link in Control Panel, you’ll see the checkboxes next to your different disks:

Once you uncheck the drive, click the “Turn System Restore Off” button.
Now you’ve got system restore disabled.

Friday, March 23, 2012

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Car Tires, Your Link With The Road

Car tires are more important than many people give them credit for being. They are literally your link with the road. The most dangerous place for you to be is out of or in poor contact with the road. In this predicament you are not able to have any input into your course of direction and that is a bad thing when you are going 60 plus miles per hour with no way to avoid crashing into something. Friction is what we are going for and there are some things that you have control of and some things that you don't in this area. You are responsible for your own and anyone else's life in the car you are driving and so you had better be sure that you have taken all the measures that you can to prevent a problem.

Now the contact of the road has several factors as already mentioned. The majority of the friction comes from the contact of rubber of the tire with the concrete or asphalt of the road. The action of gravity on the mass of your car is the only thing that is causing this contact and so naturally more weight equals more friction between the road and your car tires. A good thing but can turn against you in the form of inertia after the friction has been overcome say after you've locked up the brakes, now inertia is greater with a heavier vehicle and takes more in the way of friction to stop it. Anyway rubber and concrete naturally have a lot of friction. Air pressure in tires will change the properties of the rubber by stretching it so that if a tire is overfilled it can decrease the amount of friction. There is also less surface area in this case. Anyway so you have rubber tires and concrete roads what more can you be responsible for? Well tread for one. How does tread affect the ability of car tires to make contact with the road? Well now we have to talk about outside factors that affect the surface of the road, namely weather. Water and snow and mud decrease the amount of friction by filling the natural grooves and not allowing contact between rubber and road.

So how does tread help in this situation. Well tread is actually good because of the grooves in the tread of your car tires. The grooves allow the material no matter what it is to have a place to go other than between the rubber of the tire and the road. This decreases the "hydroplaning" effect that you get with all the different natural elements that can make driving conditions bad. So the moral of the story is to make sure that you always have good tires with lots of tread on your vehicle in order to maximize the ability of your car to grip the road and therefore provide you with control over the vehicle that allows you to slow down and steer to avoid problems.

What are hypnotic language patterns?

 What are hypnotic language patterns?

Language is an interesting thing. The most amazing thing isn't that we get confused by it but that we're able to use it so well without confusion.

Language is such a powerful tool that, in skilled hands, it can be used to persuade, motivate, seduce and even harm.

That's right, in skilled hands (or mouths?) language can even create addictions and depression.

This power comes from learning what are called hypnotic language patterns.

Hypnotic language patterns came out of the studies of hypnosis, psychology and sales. When language patterns were first discovered the psychotherapy community realized that they could be used inappropriately. They then made a sincere effort to limit instruction of language patterns only to psychiatrists willing to pay $2000 for the weekend training.

These language patterns entered the popular culture with weekend long "seduction seminars" that began to spring up to teach lonely and clueless men how talk women into an uncontrollable state of arousal.

Now before you start to roll your eyes in disbelief let me tell you that these language patterns did just that! There are scores of now satisfied men who will attest to their power.

An example of these seduction patterns is one in which the man simple begins talking to a woman about emotions and feelings that precede arousal. There is nothing lurid or suggestive about this because it's not about arousal or sex itself. At an unconscious level it sets the stage for warm tingly feelings that might elicit a tilt of the head, a smile and a flirtatious glance. Seduction is only one side of how language patterns are being used. They are of course very useful in sales and influence and many a politician have hired speech writers who training in these powerful tools. Ronald Reagan wasn't known as "The Teflon President" without reason. He could woo and amuse the most uninterested audience by using language. Likewise in spite of the scandals around him Bill Clinton always was able to be liked as a person.

In recent years there have even been language pattern trainings that emphasize how to use language to induce guilt, depression and suicide. While these trainers have been condemned for "turning to the dark side" there is no limit of people wanting to learn.

These language patterns often begin by painting the dark picture of the future and describe feelings of hopelessness and despair.

But the genie is out of the bottle now and people who want power, whether it's to help or to harm, are attending seminars and trainings as well as reading the many books on the subject.

To conclude, never underestimate the power of words. They are used on you in ways that you might never imagine.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Student Travel Insurance - for your safety!

Many student travellers overlook insurance, but it can be tremendously important, providing peace of mind for you and your family back home. Student Travel Insurance offers you a solace when you've planned to travel abroad. Most policies provide insurance cover for your baggage, medical expenses and cancellation, making sure you have the help you need when you need it most. When buying a policy, check with your insurer that it covers you for any extra activities you may participate in, such as bungee jumping, white water rafting.

When planning on travelling abroad in a gap year, cheap travel insurance is absolutely vital for peace of mind and safety. Take a look online to find student flights, bus, rail and travel insurance. Travelling abroad in a gap year is recommended by many colleges and universities as it offers great experience for students as well.

There are a number of excellent travelogue sites online, offering advice and suggestions from experienced travellers. Many blogs focus on specific areas and can offer fantastic insight into your chosen destination. Just ensure that you leave a planned itinerary at home. Your family and friends can have a check on your progress.

Planning to study abroad? You get covered for up to 2 years as long as the duration of your course. Additional cover is available for computers or valuable items. Get insured under a protective cover known as student travel insurance uk.

Be prepared for all uncertainties – with a good insurance cover!

Get an annual insurance cover for your multiple trips. You can travel up to a maximum of 42 days in one trip. Such insurance covers you for multi lingual medical assistance. Insurance experts provide students with low cost, discounted prices on airfare and other popular travel needs! Always apply with organisation which is well associated with a select group of high quality companies that offer specific services to meet your travel insurance needs.

Your travel insurance should cover basic medical and accident cover, baggage loss or delay, and trip cancellation.

Bear in mind that if you need to make a claim, most travel insurance companies require you to have purchased the insurance policy before you leave on your trip. If your student travel involves official study and work abroad or you are on Gap Year travels, you have a choice of long stay travel insurance products which are all individually designed to protect you.

Email Spelling Tips & Proofreading

As a professional business person, how do you want to be perceived? Even something as seemingly insignificant as spelling can determine whether others believe you're competent or sloppy. Take a moment, and think about that.

Ask yourself, "Are my customers likely to want my services if I can't be bothered with the details of spelling a word correctly?" The answer is no.

Okay, so your customers may not go running down the street to find someone else at the first sign of a misspelled word. However, misspellings and typos certainly don't add to your credibility. Recognize that spelling counts.

Computer Spell Check Function
Since the advent of the spell check function on the computer, many people believe (incorrectly) that spelling skills are no longer necessary. Don't misunderstand. There's nothing wrong with using the spell checker. In fact, it's a great device, and should be utilized all the time.

However, the intended use for this tool is for reference, not as your only source for catching errors. There's only one acceptable tool for that-your brain. (Phooey! You were hoping I had a magic wand to wave over the email screen!)

Verify Versus Correct
Why do you need to know how to spell? Because you can use the wrong word for the occasion and still manage to spell that wrong word correctly. When this happens, the spell checker won't recognize your error. The checker only verifies that words are spelled correctly. It doesn't verify that you have used the proper word.

"Little" words in particular are notorious for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. You should pay special attention to these potential hazards when typing.

Here are a few examples of pairs that are often mistaken for each other (and, hence, often missed when proofreading): "for" and "from"; "it," "is," and "if"; "you" and "your." Because your eyes sweep over them, these little words are easy to miss.

New Words
The spell checker also won't correct new words. And, computers and technology have created a whole set of new words. You will need to know how to spell them when your spell checker spits them out.

A perfect example is the spelling of the hi-tech word "email." In addition to that spelling, there are at least two other versions: "e-mail" and "e mail." For this article, I chose "email" as the preferred spelling. Why?

There are three reasons. One, the word "email" is faster to type since there's no hyphen and no space. Two, there are fewer opportunities to make typos if you aren't typing a hyphen. Three, the word "email" simply appears neater and clearer.

If you still have any doubts about using your brain versus the spell checker, read the following humorous poem.

Spell Chequer Poem

Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.

Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh.

As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rare lea ever wrong.

I'm sorry to say the source of this delightful poem is unknown. I've tried to track down the author. If you have information, please send it to: Thanks!

In addition to amusement, the purpose of sharing this poem is to remind you to proofread carefully. You can't leave a positive impression on customers and colleagues with sloppy email messages.

Napa Valley: olives and olive oil

The history of olives and olive oil can be traced back to at the least biblical times. When the waters of the great flood subsided and Noah sent forth a dove it was an olive leaf she returned carrying in her mouth. It is known that as long as 6000 years ago olive oil was used as fuel in lamps. Maybe it was this olive oil that created such a beautiful Genie for Major Anthony Nelson to rescue in the popular television sitcom I Dream of Genie.

Today in modern grocery stores there are dozens of gourmet olives widely available. Gone are the days of canned black olives and green olives with pimentos as the only choices. For those of us who remember the days of opening a can of black olives and placing one on each finger then systematically biting them off here is the new olive.

Nicoises: Is a earthy rich olive commonly used in salad. The curing of this olive in red-wine vinegar gives it a distinctive taste.

Green olives with herbs de Provence: This vibrant citrus flavored olive is a delightful blend of herbs de Provence spices and large green olives. It is an excellent choice to use in surf dishes and with sweet spices.

Mount Athos green with Sicilian herbs: This is a second olive that utilizes herbs to dominate the pallet. Rosemary, garlic, mustard seed, and red pepper flakes give this olive a spicy appeal. Mount Athos green stuffed with garlic: For a modern twist on the martini this olive is an excellent choice. It is stuffed with rich flavorful garlic and lends itself well to pizza as well as martinis.

Mount Athos green olives with sun-dried tomatoes: Sun-dried tomatoes give this heavy olive an intense flavor that is sophisticated and ideal for snacking.

Sun-dried olives: The drying of this olive gives it a rich flavor that blends wonderfully in sauces for serving over pasta.
Kalamatas: A tangy black olive cured in red-wine vinegar that can be from Italy or California. The California variety is denoted with a 'c' spelling rather than a 'k'.

Alfonsos: This robust winey tasting olive is soft and similar to the kalamata. It is a popular choice in antipasto salads.

Halkididis: Very similar in flavor to the kalamatas this olive is excellent blended with cream cheese and garlic for a flavorful dip.

Lucques: This meaty buttery olive contains pits but is still a wonderful choice with provolone cheese and bruchetta.

Bradford City guide, including Bradford Hotels

In the county of West Yorkshire is where tourists will find the bustling city of Bradford. Situated in Northern England, Bradford has more than 470,000 inhabitants and it ranks eleventh in terms of the size of various cities in England. Bradford has a rich history and was one of the central focuses of thriving businesses during the time of the Industrial Revolution. Former home of the Bronte Sisters, as well as many other famous individuals, Bradford continues to thrive in terms of business and also continues to draw thousands of tourists each and every year. Finally, Bradford is surrounded by many popular cities. Cities surrounding Bradford include Bath, Belfast, Bristol, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, London, Nottingham, Oxford and York.

Places of interest:

Looking to plan your itinerary while in England? Make sure that Bradford is on your list of places to see. Chockfull of historical adventures and incredible recreational pursuits, a trip to England would be incomplete if one doesn't partake in all that Bradford has to offer.

ART GALLERIES: When visiting Bradford, tourists are frequently drawn to the cultural attractions that Bradford offers. Bradford is home to several art galleries including the City Art Gallery at the Headrow which houses incredible sculptures and paintings.
WALKING TOURS: Tourist will thoroughly enjoy the walking tours through the moorlands and woodlands of Bradford. Further, tourist can choose to take self guide walks or tour guide walks, whichever they prefer. Such tours allow tourists to enjoy all of the wildlife in Bradford.
FAMILY ADVENTURES: Numerous natural parks and amusement parks are in Bradford, promising entertainment for the whole family. From boating to bowling, there is no end to the fun for families in Bradford.
SPORTS: there are plenty of sports to engage in while visiting Bradford and fishing, sailing, wind surfing, swimming, cycling, horseback riding ,and walking are just a few of the sports that tourists will find enjoyable.
SHOPPING: A number of mill shops and Asian stores are readily accessible in Bradford.

Things to do:

There is no shortage of fun and fascinating things to do while in Bradford. Whether tourists travel alone or with the entire family, they can easily find enjoyable recreational activities for everyone to enjoy.

BRADFORD BULLS: in the Odsal Stadium, the Bradford Bulls is the favourite rugby team of many. The stadium holds huge audiences, well over 12,000 people visit the Bradford Bulls' games and there is pre-game entertainment at every game.
BRADFORD ICE RINK: at 19 Little Horton Lane is an ice skating rink that the entire family can enjoy. Whether tourists are out on the ice with the kids or they are watching one of the many ice shows hosted at the Bradford Ice Rink, time spent at the ice rink will be nothing but memorable.
COLOUR MUSEUM: 1 Providence Street is a one of a kind experience for every resident and tourist in Bradford. Learn how animals perceive colour, how colour dyes are created and more. A great time for the entire family. The cost for admission is £1.75 for adults and £4 for the entire family.
NATIONAL MUSEUM OF PHOTOGRAPHY, FILM & TELEVISION: situated at Pictureville, is an exciting location with interactive exhibits and a place that reveals movie and television magic RED HOUSE: The former home of Mary Taylor, now known as the Red House is located on Oxford Road. Mary Taylor was the former friend of Charlotte Bronte and the house was erected in the 17th century.
SILVER JUBILEE MODEL RAILWAY EXHIBITION: on Green Lane is the place for every model train enthusiast. Model trains are sold as well as all of their accessories and you can have fun looking at all of the model train layouts.

Food & Drink:

Visitors to Bradford can find fantastic dining in and around the surrounding areas of Bradford with relative ease. No matter what a tourist's dining preference is, they can satiate their appetite easily when visiting Bradford.

ADELPHI: located on 1-5 Hunslet Road, offers lagers, beers, and a variety of juices as well as fine dining. Desserts include both the Yorkshire pie and the Dolcelatte Pudding.
BREAK FOR THE BORDER: at 174-178 Lower Briggate in Leeds, just 9 miles from Bradford. It is a bar and lounge offering drinks and entertainment. The upstairs of the location is a restaurant that offers a variety of Tex-Mex foods.
GRILLADE: on Wellington Street in Leeds, is a mere walk from the train station. If it's a French Bistro that a tourist's seeks, then the Grillade is sure to please. The Grillade serves nothing but the finest French entrees and has a variety of plates to choose from.
FUJI HIRO: at 45 Wade Lane in Leeds offers an array of Japanese and Chinese cuisine. Ramen, Rice, and pan-fried noodle dishes will assuredly appease anyone's appetite. The Fuji Hiro serves great meals like chicken katsu curry and chilli ebi ramen.
HEATHCLIFFS RESTAURANT: in Hollins Hall, Baildon, Bradford, requires that residents and tourists make reservations in advance and that they adhere to the dress code provided. Offering background piano music while visitors dine, Heathcliffs is the place in Bradford for the ultimate dining experience.

Hotels & Accommodation:

Accommodations are not at all hard to come by in Bradford. There are numerous hotels and self catering sites for tourist to choose from. No matter what a tourist decides, they will find they get the finest service during their stay in Bradford.

Midland Hotel
Courtyard By Marriott Leeds/Bradford
Park Grove Hotel
The Dubrovnik Hotel
Sporting Lodge Inns
Novotel Bradford
Best Western Guide Post Hotel
Express by Holiday Inn Bradford City Centre


There is plenty of entertainment in Bradford that is suitable for all ages. Theatres, Cinemas, Aquariums and nightlife entertainment are abundant in this city. Bars, lounges, and dance clubs await the tourist looking to relax and socialise.

Bradford: a city you can afford to miss when visiting England. Excellent food, incredible sites, and lots of fun things to do, tourist will lose out if they don't visit Bradford. Certainly, if one wants to ensure their trip is complete, Bradford should be on their list of things to do.

How To Buy Expired Domain Names That Have A Huge Flow Of Existing & Targeted Traffic

Have you heard of this relatively unknown stealth traffic tactic? Many niche marketing experts have been using it to create small and instant incomes every time they penetrate a new niche.

Using this tactic, it takes just a few minutes to switch on instant targeted traffic to your site.

The only cost is the $10 or so that it takes to register a domain name.

The tactic is purchasing expired domain names that have an existing flow of traffic flowing into them. The amount of traffic could be anywhere from ten to ten thousand unique visitors per day and this article will help you understand the basics of purchasing expired domains, some of the issues involved and the simple business models you can use to profit from this potent opportunity starting today.

The Expired Domain Free Traffic Loophole

I love loopholes. That's exactly what buying expired domain names is – a big traffic loophole. It works because over time a domain has been built up and a mixture of time, money and know-how have been ploughed into it. As a result, it draws in a good amount of traffic.

But now, for whatever reason, that domain has expired. Where once there may have been a thriving website pulling income in from various sources, it no longer exists. And it's up for grabs to the first person who recognizes what a potential goldmine it is.

Some expired domains, the highly valuable ones, have a huge blaze of traffic flowing into it on a daily basis. This tends to be because the domain has hundreds, if not thousands of backlinks as well as high search engine placement. Some are listed in the Yahoo and DMOZ indexes.

This means that if you can isolate domain names with high amounts of incoming traffic, you've just acquired a living, breathing potential online business for just a few paltry dollars (the cost of a domain name). You can then put together a simple model to start earning from this bustling traffic immediately using a mixture of contextual advertising, affiliate links and more. You could also find expired domains that are related to your existing sites and products and immediately redirect the traffic to your existing business model. There are certainly no shortage of ways to create positive results using expired domains.

Why Domain Names Expire

There are many reasons why domain names can sometimes be let go of. Here are a couple of examples:People move on. They find other business opportunities which they plough themselves into.

The business that had registered and used the domain no longer exists.
How Domains Slip Into Expired Status (And How Long You Have To Wait Before Snapping Them Up)

Domain expiry doesn't work quite like most people think. A domain doesn't just plop out of the previous owners hands on the expiration date. Instead, once a domain name passes this date, it enters a static period of 40 days during which the original owner can still re-register it. After this period, the domain then switches to another phase (lasting a further 35 days) whereby the owner can still re-register it (for a significantly higher fee than before). It's after this period that the general public can then get their hands on these expired domains.

How To Plug In Simple Business Models To Start Generating Immediate Profits From Expired Domain Profits.

Once you have a domain that has an incoming stream of profit from it, it's fairly simple to start generating an income from it immediately.

If you already have a successful model that is profitable, just redirect the traffic to it (assuming it is within the same niche).

If you've chosen a domain name that is new, here's a simple way of creating an income from it:

Create some content on the domain name subject. One to five pages of content is more than enough, but it must be highly useful to the reader.

Find some targeted affiliate programs - use Commission Junction or Clickbank to find them, and enter your affiliate links tastefully.

Add in your Adsense codes - to optimize your Adsense income make sure you're using the maximum number of ad units (3) and that your ads have the same look and feel of the page & text content.

Create an opt-in form to capture the email address of your traffic. Your aim should be to convert as much targeted traffic into opt-in subscribers as possible - this way you can approach your new subscribers with additional back-end offers (this is where the real money lies).

So there you have it - a simple way of buying up expired domain names that come with existing traffic flows, and a simple business model to use that flow for maximum profits.

Understanding Colors

Color is so powerful that it can persuade, motivate, inspire and touch people's soft spot - the heart. This is the reason why understanding colors is pretty crucial in relating and communicating with other people. Not only that, it is also important to businesses in order for their business to sell.

There are many uses of colors. Here are some of the many:

1. Commercial Offset Printing. In the commercial printing industry as well as the online printing services interface, colors are essential to ascertain the efficiency of the printed materials. Usually, printing companies use four-color printing, two-color printing and Pantone which is also known as PMS.

Four-color printing also known as full color or 4 color printing is a process of creating colors using the CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) colors. Instead of physically mixing the colors, four colors mix a spectrum of colors using CMYK in order to create the colors desired.

Two-color printing is a color printing process which uses two colors only. This is especially applicable in printing 2-colored logos and postcards. This process is one of the cheapest among the printing processes available these days.

Pantone or PMS (Pantone Matching System) is a color system of mixed inks. If you want a specific color for your company logo this is the right color printing process for you. PMS is capable of finding the exact color that you need. Nonetheless, this may be a little costly compared to the rest.

2. Colors in the Computer Monitor. In order to create colors in the motor, it uses three base colors with full spectrum – Red, Green and Blue. By simulating these three colors, other colors are formed. Each base color has 0 or no light emission to 255 or full light emission.

Computer monitors can also convert RGB to CMYK colors. The need is to ascertain the equivalent color of RGB to CMYK so that the print results are similar to that displayed on the monitor.

3. Paints. Industrial paints need specific colors to complement fixtures and designs. Usually, industrial paints are matched using the Pantone Matching System. To do this, choose a PMS color first then your choice of paint. That way it will be easy to pick paint colors.

4. Desktop Printers. Use the four-color printing system to reflect an accurate color for your documents, pictures and graphics. What you see on your monitor may not appear exactly as printed. This is because computer monitors are using RGB color system.

Now, you can zero in on your color preferences. Good luck! 

Great Tips for Buying Artwork Online

With plenty of artwork available online today, art lovers use this newfound market to secure masterpieces and home decor art at incredible prices. If you love to buy art, the Internet can be a valuable resource, saving you time and money. But first, learn to shop for art online wisely and be careful when choosing artwork. Use these tips to find quality artwork while keeping spending to a minimum.

Discover New Artists

The Internet offers a great opportunity to explore artwork and discover new artists. Use the power of search to find hundreds of artists. Then surf through their available paintings to find the styles that appeal to you. Ask questions about the artists by email or phone. Some artists or art retail companies use experienced art consultants to answer questions. Take advantage of this service when available.

Keep in mind that there are thousands of new artists who are very talented. Since they‚re just starting out, they might offer their paintings for far less than a famous artist. Some original paintings by new artists can increase in value tremendously over time, as the artist becomes better known in the art world.

Use search engines to find art by certain keywords such as: artist name, type of art (landscapes, people, antiques, flowers, children, animals), date or time period of artwork, and medium (watercolor, acrylic, oil).

Online Tools to See the Scale of the Painting

Use Web tools that enable you to see the actual size and scale of a painting and how it would look in a room on a wall. Some websites provide these tools to help art buyers see how the artwork would look on their wall. They can choose different wall colors, frames, matting, and a variety of sizes to get a feel for how the art would complement their own home. Authentication - Is It Important?

Buying art online is similar to buying jewelry or any other high-ticket retail item. Whether authentication is important or not is really up to you as the buyer. A good rule of thumb is if you plan to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on a piece of art for investment purposes, then you'll want to be sure it's authentic. Use an authenticity service that you feel comfortable with and make sure the painting is not a reproduction or digital reproduction.

Also, consider if having original pieces of art is important to you. Some art lovers admire the detail, love, and experience put into a sole piece of art. They are very willing to pay more for original paintings, even if only for pleasure.

If you want artwork simply for decorating your home and have a limited budget, digital reproductions are available online at very affordable prices. These reproductions look similar to the originals, but have been reproduced for mass distribution.

Visit Local Galleries

You can also find great new artists and ideas by visiting your local art galleries. Take pen and paper with you to write down artists or the names of paintings that catch your eye. Then go online to search for these artists to see their other paintings.

Always check out online art retailers through the Better Business Bureau (BBB) Online to be sure the companies are trustworthy. Buying artwork online can be an enjoyable experience if you take time to explore all the beautiful paintings and find artwork that fits your style and budget. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

First ‘Prometheus’ Trailer Has Landed!

The full trailer for Ridley Scott’s “Prometheus” is upon us. After months of intense secrecy, with the extensive cast forced into signing non-disclosure agreements and basically being kept under lock and key, the last few weeks have seen Ridley Scott cracking open the door to his long-awaited return to science fiction just a little bit.

he new trailer for Ridley Scott’s “Prometheus” looks amazing, and features an incredible cast.
Clocking in at just over two minutes and 30 seconds, the trailer reveals the film’s basic plot: The same pictogram is discovered at the sites of civilizations spanning different centuries, leading a crew to travel to a planet to search for the origins of humanity. Noomi Rapace’s character believes the pictogram is “not a map,” but “an invitation.”
Turns out it’s not the kind of invitation you want to get.
Cut to images of Michael Fassbender touching some goopy material, an alien ship that is headed for Earth, the crew screaming/looking terrified and general chaos.
“Big things have small beginnings,” Fassbender’s character, who is an android, says ominously as the trailer ends.
In addition to Rapace and Fassbender, “Prometheus” stars Charlize Theron, Idris Elba and Guy Pearce. The script was written by “Lost” co-creator Damon Lindelof.

The trailer, revealed at WonderCon 2012, reveals just enough plot to whet appetites and continue the, is this really an “Alien” prequel?
And there are also some good news! Scott announced at WonderCon that he is hoping to make a “Prometheus” sequel, reports EW.
“If we’re lucky, there will be a second part of this [film],” he said. “The film does leave you with some nice big open questions.”
“Prometheus” hits the theaters June 8.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Getting Referrals

Getting referrals is a big part of how successful you are investing time in Paidto- Click.(PTC), Paid-to-Read (PTR), affiliate programs, or any other program where referrals have a direct impact on your income. Increasing the amount of referrals you have dramatically increases the amount of money you make.You will realise that there are many other people in the same situation trying to get people to join via their ref links also. So its as hard as cracking nuts. Follow some of these tips and your sure to have some more ref's in no time.

So how do you actually get referrers I will examine the ways to get people to join using your refer link.
Getting referrers takes some effort and some time, but you can get a lot of referrers take the time to try and get them, for example, while you are doing your clicking open another tab and signup/post on some forums, add a post to your blog, all you need is 1 hour a day and you can click all your ads on 5-10 different sites and do some advertising all at the same time.

Everyone is trying to get referrers so what can you do to have an edge and be the one  who gets MORE referrers than the competition? Here are some tips for you. Forums / Message Boards Place referral links in your signature, Create a post containing your referral links, and Link the "www" under your avatar to your forum post, now every time you write a response the signature well placed automatic under your response. Don’t try to add links to your response because than you going to be a "spammer" and spammers get bend from all forums. This is very important! Some good forums to post on are your general forums about working from home as these people are looking for ways to make more income working from home.  See the resource section at the end of this guide for a list of forums.

My Recommended Paying Site


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Friday, March 9, 2012

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JustBeenPaid! (JBP) and its related programs operate in accordance with United States Patent 6,578,010 (now public domain). You Can Start with Just $10 and Turn It into a Fortune! With our Pay-It-F

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

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What Site Can You Join Allowing You To Start Earning Commissions Right Now, Reading a Few Solos?

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Monday, March 5, 2012

New PadBux No minimum Payout

Another nice PTC that is giving ultimate for the first 10000 members!!
I was made 0,10$ a day without refs and can cashout at 1$

Proofs on the website!

√ Minimum payout $1
√ No investment required
√ Earn $0.015 per click (with ultimate, free for first 10000 members)
√ Earn $0.015 per referral click
√ Instant payment for all members

PayPerPost byL33TSPOT


Now you can make money from your posts. L33TSPOT Pays $0.02 per thread and 0.01 per post, this way you can make easy money. So yeah, besides guides etc this is one other way to make money at l33tspot.

Special - Double Weekend.

This weekend you will be payed 0.04 per thread and 0.02 per post! this way you can make even more money.

You must cash out on sunday, no minimum to cashout.
Here is Payment Proof

it does not pay for referrals but you can still make hundreds of dollars by just making new threads and by replying to other posts.
its a great way to make some Extra bucks...also you can promote your adfly links as your signature links there. is Legit PTC

you can Earn a day $0.113
Minimum Payout: Alertpay - $1.00, Paypal - $0.00 ( no minimum Payout)

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